
Customer Testimonials

Amar Parkash

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for building and constructing one of the most beautiful home in McLean.

We are so delighted with our house. The design is outstanding, while the quality is clearly superior to that of new homes in many other developments we had visited prior to purchasing the home. In addition, Green Logic has exhibited a real commitment to customer service going to great lengths to insure we were completely satisfied with our purchase.


I would highly recommend Green Logic to my family and friends.

Saif and Sena Ahmed

On behalf of Sena and myself, I would like to thank you and your team for building a beautiful home for our family. We are extremely pleased with our new home!

Everyone we worked with was friendly and professional and the quality of the home we received was topnotch. The craftsmanship is like no others. Your staff and your excellent contractor crew did a magnificent job! If there were any questions or concerns, they were handled in a professional manner and the matter was readily solved. Our home is everything we wanted. We would recommend Green Logic Builders to anyone who asks us. Thank you so much for everything.


We look forward to working with you and Green Logic in the near future.

Elizabeth Dalmut

I am pleased to provide this reference letter on behalf of Green Logic Builders. My experience with Green Logic has been above and beyond my expectations. They made everything so easy. The service, standard features, and commitment to quality is second to none.

If you want quality craftsmanship, a timely built home and courteous staff and construction crew that’s available from start to finish, then I highly recommend Green Logic Builders. They always respond quickly to concerns or questions. Thanks for making my dream of owning a new home in downtown DC a reality.